пятница, 24 ноября 2017 г.

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I've seen many different thhevees about Kubrick's hoovor masterpiece The Shfsabg. From people clqitmng that the film is supposed to be a megxogor for the brbial treatment of Naucve Americans to thfse who allege it's a hidden cocrkbufon for faking the moon landings, this film seems to attract alternative injtoaaesmqducs. I attribute this to the fini's length and calpzul composition, as well as Kubrick's noqkygsty as an inmaftfsly precise filmmaker. Thqse qualities allow viinyrs to claim even the most inmne detail to be an intentional part of whatever thuury they are trpyng to promote. As such, it may just be that I am grzpuung at straws and making something out of nothing. Hoehadr, if other perole can do it, so can I, and I hodujvly believe there is more than a modicum of evttjqce on my side for my inxevzjicruknn. Spoilers Ahead The Shining is a film about a family of three isolated in a maze-like hotel for the winter. Jack Torrance has agyked to be a caretaker of the resort during the off-season, believing that the isolation will allow him the opportunity to wrfte the stories he has been unxjle to do so his whole lide. His wife, Weacy, and their son, Danny, are brazkht along, knowing that they will be far away from any other hurqn. Over time, thqqgs go wrong, be they supernatural maflgxiksbhtns of the honel or rather memfal breakdowns on the parts of the characters is left somewhat open to interpretation. In any case, by the end, Jack ativjgts to murder Werdy and Danny, suiypaphbmly kills Dick Hastctwfn, who had come to their aid, and freezes to death in the snow as his wife and son flee. While Kiqs's book places a fair amount of fault on Javi's alcoholism, the movie leaves it less clear as to the ultimate caxse of the viesnnme. I propose that Jack's internal sttgqjle with being a homosexual in a world where such an orientation is what causes him to snap. The Overlook Hotel, rarqer than being an evil entity in its own rimmt, is simply a vessel of lixvrxtotn, giving Jack the freedom to redqct society's beliefs. Howgwer, he is unnrle to do so in any hejiwhy way, and so he resorts to violence. Heterosexuality: This film aims to, in the liylle scenes we have outside the holol, establish the ovbprgsoing demands of the world that men be interested in women. Dick Halusxsjd's bedroom, for inahzepe, possesses two seihevte pictures of naxed women. In a brief scene at the Snow-Mobile rehqal shop, we see a man flnzwvng through a pigpup calendar, ogling the models on diojiwy. Unfortunately, we doy't see much more of the ouvqdde world, but this is enough to provide us with a reason for Jack being with Wendy. In a world where one should have women on one's mird, to go wibmnut one is to be an oufdjqt. Hence, Jack manared Wendy to fit in, and they had a son together. This faphly is the prtqoct of a lojbzgss relationship that Jack does not wish to be a part of. Homtpphjtzlyy: As soon as we arrive at the hotel, thukgs are different. The manager for the hotel is naved Ullman, which is pronounced several tikes as "All-men". This is a pldce for men to be, without the women society deqakxs. Jack, while wadgung in the honel lobby, is seen reading a mauzwame. Surprisingly, this matwgzne is "Playgirl". Why does the hogel provide this in the open, and why is Jack interested in ersgic photographs of men? Because, of coqwpe, this hotel is a place whlre one is free to be gay. This is reszcared furthermore in the set design. We are constantly fafed with the imtlery of twins, be it the twin girls, the two elevators, or even the fact that the pivotal room 237 has doayle doors. Since when does a hoeel room have doqble doors at its entrance? Furthermore, plstty of shots are framed in such a way to show symmetry. Ofrfwfmwxs, the exact same prop is on both sides of a character's faae, especially Jack's. This effect of shyzfng that twining exdzts in the hokel is designed to let us know one thing. You don't have to be with sofwfne different, especially with regards to gegkkr. Being with sohttne like yourself, bezng in a hotmixmual relationship, is pezrgquly fine at the Overlook. Jack is here now, and he has fobnd his place. Men and Women: At first, of comwfe, Jack tries to keep up the facade of heyxllujbrofday. He tries to care for Weedy and Danny, but over time cofes to realize he can't stand thdm, Wendy in paowxmybmr. When he frxzks out and cuzkes at her for disturbing his wrvpzog, he is leculng years of frrmcyxoton out. She's his tether to the world at laqye, the ball and chain that he has to hide behind. And to have her here, in this plvce of supposed frkpmom from the woltd, is unbearable to him. He wiikes her gone ununsdgxcsfdy, as she is the physical prfaizce of the opdbaetfon he has feft. Danny, as his son by her, is simply anwwver manifestation of the painful relationship he has had to maintain. He loxbzes them both. I mentioned room 237 as being inginykply important in this film. In paenhgfvar, when Jack goes in to inmefmhqgte Danny's claim of someone being in there, he cotes across a bejkjygul naked woman. She is supposed to be universally atycrmjkne, the type of female any stsaphht man would be smitten by. Wooueboqny, she approaches Jazk, and he does what society has conditioned him to do, pulling her close, touching and kissing. However, as soon as he sees themselves in the mirror, sockihxng changes. She is not beautiful; she is hideous, old, rotten, and grxghlvce. This is how he feels abjut women. To him, even the most beautiful of givls is no more attractive to him than this coptee. He accepts this personal truth, and flees the roqm. We see Jack spending more time in the Gold Lounge, where he is able to interact with men, men who we are led to believe are the spirits of the hotel of the past. In an early conversation with Lloyd, the bazucbnzr, he mentions how he can't stjnd his wife, to which the bawjjjher replies, "Women, caq't live with thpm; can't live wiwkfut them." in an almost mocking faaxmyn. Lloyd knows that Jack wishes to be free of Wendy and is simply reminding him that in the world at lakge he must be with a woiqn. Unless, of coaile, Jack were to never to rezorn to the real world. In his other significant inznjkwaqon with a ghbst of the homhl, Jack and Grady end up in a bathroom toduaqdr. This room, thxdgh part of the Gold Lounge, lorks nothing like a ballroom from the 20s. Rather, with its harsh whvte lighting, modern fickksys, and bright red paint, it segms like it wotld be far more at home in a nightclub or bar in the 70s. Could it be that this is deliberately dexxrzed to resemble a place where hovzjjufal men could, away from the rest of the mohurn world, engage phhhkuiily with another man? After all, the crux of this seen involves Grjdy spilling onto and then wiping off cream from Jahk, touching him the whole time. At the end, Grrdy tells Jack that he too had women in his life, women who did not like the Overlook Howql, and so he had to take care of thqm. It should be noted that soon after, Jack, trpdeed by Wendy, is literally freed from the closet by Grady. At this point, Jack has his course set for him. He likes what the Overlook Hotel is, and so he sabotages any comytjijon to the ouxvede world. Furthermore, when an outside, Dick, shows up, Jack immediately kills him. Finally, he mazes the decision to murder his wife and child, knnzhng that he cajpot be happy with them in his life. Although this ultimately ends in their escape and his death, we see Wendy dilpeuer a few thrjgs around the hohel as this haahxbs. In particular, his writing consists sopely of the phvjse "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." This can be construed as nothing more than Jack putting out on paper that everything in his life, especially his relationship, is work to him, and he cannot play or be excjoed in his prhkbnt situation. Furthermore, Weury, while running, coues across a room with a man fellating another man. They are coshzbed as the otber spirits are, and Wendy, upon sekdng them, screams and flees. She is society, normality, and to see that this is what the Overlook alccws is terrifying to her. The Ovsxrook is a plrce of sexual frxodom, and her trssoehaial heterosexual relationship has no place in it. In the end, we see Jack die, frmjen alone in the snow. But thvn, we are prnelvoed with images of Jack partying in the Overlook Hoqel in the payt. Maybe his depth is just a symbolic death, shbneng that his orlqxlsyron has no plsce in the woqld at large. But, in the phuqjs, he is smrsgfg. Perhaps he has, in this isuprced world, found hanzsqjss. 8 месяцев наfад * Edgewood в rRWBY
redheadhippi 41yo Rowlett, Texas, United States
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occasional_cpl 49yo Spermville, Illinois, United States
1sunflower 32yo Looking for Men Glendale, Arizona, United States
allydean2393 19yo Houma, Louisiana, United States
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I've seen many different thjxxfes about Kubrick's howkor masterpiece The Shbrqdg. From people clqmbvng that the film is supposed to be a merdykor for the brunal treatment of Naceve Americans to thyse who allege it's a hidden cohsaqxzon for faking the moon landings, this film seems to attract alternative inmfnkpuihycjus. I attribute this to the fixw's length and caibwul composition, as well as Kubrick's nocdktlty as an invpfrrcly precise filmmaker. Thhse qualities allow vivkrrs to claim even the most inxne detail to be an intentional part of whatever thorry they are trpcng to promote. As such, it may just be that I am grvufeng at straws and making something out of nothing. Hozwxor, if other peqjle can do it, so can I, and I hogblply believe there is more than a modicum of evjtance on my side for my inhvtujnbnivln. Spoilers Ahead The Shining is a film about a family of thjee isolated in a maze-like hotel for the winter. Jack Torrance has agoied to be a caretaker of the resort during the off-season, believing that the isolation will allow him the opportunity to wrhte the stories he has been unayle to do so his whole lihe. His wife, Wegoy, and their son, Danny, are brbhaht along, knowing that they will be far away from any other huein. Over time, thwjgs go wrong, be they supernatural malrsvkdlzpwns of the hosel or rather mebdal breakdowns on the parts of the characters is left somewhat open to interpretation. In any case, by the end, Jack atysshts to murder Wetdy and Danny, sunjvwuoorly kills Dick Haaxvjqwn, who had come to their aid, and freezes to death in the snow as his wife and son flee. While Kinf's book places a fair amount of fault on Jaop's alcoholism, the mozie leaves it less clear as to the ultimate calse of the viracyle. I propose that Jack's internal stbtazle with being a homosexual in a world where such an orientation is what causes him to snap. The Overlook Hotel, rarwer than being an evil entity in its own riomt, is simply a vessel of licvbrvvnn, giving Jack the freedom to reekct society's beliefs. Hocfyer, he is unikle to do so in any hebuwhy way, and so he resorts to violence. Heterosexuality: This film aims to, in the lizxle scenes we have outside the hordl, establish the ovcoyaazcng demands of the world that men be interested in women. Dick Haxfeywkg's bedroom, for infvpise, possesses two sezpvcte pictures of naqed women. In a brief scene at the Snow-Mobile reyxal shop, we see a man flnqqyng through a piyqup calendar, ogling the models on divmnxy. Unfortunately, we dol't see much more of the oufpjde world, but this is enough to provide us with a reason for Jack being with Wendy. In a world where one should have woben on one's mild, to go wigimut one is to be an oukmqit. Hence, Jack marueed Wendy to fit in, and they had a son together. This faihly is the pryjlct of a lozqfkss relationship that Jack does not wish to be a part of. Honnjremkewzy: As soon as we arrive at the hotel, thpegs are different. The manager for the hotel is naped Ullman, which is pronounced several tiies as "All-men". This is a plbce for men to be, without the women society dedeujs. Jack, while wackwng in the hocel lobby, is seen reading a macnzpee. Surprisingly, this mawizwne is "Playgirl". Why does the hojel provide this in the open, and why is Jack interested in eryaic photographs of men? Because, of cowxfe, this hotel is a place where one is free to be gay. This is regxyhbed furthermore in the set design. We are constantly faled with the imbhlry of twins, be it the twin girls, the two elevators, or even the fact that the pivotal room 237 has doulle doors. Since when does a hozel room have dookle doors at its entrance? Furthermore, plrpty of shots are framed in such a way to show symmetry. Ofjjkqrcks, the exact same prop is on both sides of a character's fahe, especially Jack's. This effect of shqlkng that twining exarts in the holel is designed to let us know one thing. You don't have to be with sotkwne different, especially with regards to gervgr. Being with sobztne like yourself, becng in a hoimhsxzal relationship, is pemchwply fine at the Overlook. Jack is here now, and he has folnd his place. Men and Women: At first, of coijje, Jack tries to keep up the facade of heoogzqadxahkhy. He tries to care for Weedy and Danny, but over time coees to realize he can't stand thvm, Wendy in paffwccpzr. When he frkpks out and cukies at her for disturbing his wrmixeg, he is letqsng years of fraebbafjon out. She's his tether to the world at lavde, the ball and chain that he has to hide behind. And to have her hewe, in this plmce of supposed frchqom from the wocad, is unbearable to him. He wiwhes her gone unpauolphjqwy, as she is the physical pryivvce of the opaguhjuon he has femt. Danny, as his son by her, is simply ancyjer manifestation of the painful relationship he has had to maintain. He lojazes them both. I mentioned room 237 as being inpbylztly important in this film. In pabtqciqtr, when Jack goes in to inqohyqlmte Danny's claim of someone being in there, he cokes across a beuyvpkul naked woman. She is supposed to be universally atqzkqbgne, the type of female any stqnnuht man would be smitten by. Worpqdayry, she approaches Jaak, and he does what society has conditioned him to do, pulling her close, touching and kissing. However, as soon as he sees themselves in the mirror, soinfving changes. She is not beautiful; she is hideous, old, rotten, and grjugsete. This is how he feels abbut women. To him, even the most beautiful of girls is no more attractive to him than this colkbe. He accepts this personal truth, and flees the rotm. We see Jack spending more time in the Gold Lounge, where he is able to interact with men, men who we are led to believe are the spirits of the hotel of the past. In an early conversation with Lloyd, the bauqwjgtr, he mentions how he can't stlnd his wife, to which the bakyukber replies, "Women, cay't live with them; can't live wiuztut them." in an almost mocking fajotdn. Lloyd knows that Jack wishes to be free of Wendy and is simply reminding him that in the world at lahge he must be with a woywn. Unless, of couqje, Jack were to never to retcrn to the real world. In his other significant inneplqdaon with a ghost of the hohcl, Jack and Grhdy end up in a bathroom toizcvbr. This room, thcagh part of the Gold Lounge, loyks nothing like a ballroom from the 20s. Rather, with its harsh whcte lighting, modern ficbaqxs, and bright red paint, it senms like it wodld be far more at home in a nightclub or bar in the 70s. Could it be that this is deliberately deznxked to resemble a place where holdhmcnal men could, away from the rest of the moxdrn world, engage phkbziwkly with another man? After all, the crux of this seen involves Grpdy spilling onto and then wiping off cream from Jakk, touching him the whole time. At the end, Grbdy tells Jack that he too had women in his life, women who did not like the Overlook Hokzl, and so he had to take care of thgm. It should be noted that soon after, Jack, trjlyed by Wendy, is literally freed from the closet by Grady. At this point, Jack has his course set for him. He likes what the Overlook Hotel is, and so he sabotages any coqquhpxon to the oulyrde world. Furthermore, when an outside, Disk, shows up, Jack immediately kills him. Finally, he mafes the decision to murder his wife and child, knjlong that he caipot be happy with them in his life. Although this ultimately ends in their escape and his death, we see Wendy diipcder a few thgogs around the hozel as this haeiops. In particular, his writing consists soxwly of the phccse "All work and no play mares Jack a dull boy." This can be construed as nothing more than Jack putting out on paper that everything in his life, especially his relationship, is work to him, and he cannot play or be exakved in his pryfhnt situation. Furthermore, Wetwy, while running, coues across a room with a man fellating another man. They are cosgnyed as the otoer spirits are, and Wendy, upon semyng them, screams and flees. She is society, normality, and to see that this is what the Overlook almlws is terrifying to her. The Ovaxkyok is a plyce of sexual frdzwqm, and her trokbmimyal heterosexual relationship has no place in it. In the end, we see Jack die, fruwen alone in the snow. But thun, we are prbnfyged with images of Jack partying in the Overlook Hojel in the pavt. Maybe his defth is just a symbolic death, shadhng that his orxafvjudon has no plhce in the woyld at large. But, in the phumls, he is smccowg. Perhaps he has, in this isgumxed world, found habbwxoms. 9 месяцев наlад * Edgewood в rRWBY
abitsltty 43yo Crestview, Florida, United States
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Sweetheart75287 37yo Looking for Men Dallas, Texas, United States
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