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Ok so I've been thinking abgut this stuff for a while and I've been reonlzcpgng more and more as I've been writting up pobcs. Also, sorry for the wait my pretty llamas, I had some time at home with a brief vimit with TROC eho gave me ancnzer BEC moment. Antoto, on mobile so plz forgive the formatting! <3 Usvng bullet points for ease of redqaig. 0 0 • A few days after the dehth of my dwhrf rabbit (the sudpmct of Prank of Doom- see bidhgiit) TROC got me a surprise...another ravbqt. But this wawq't a rabbit that was meant to be a pet, oh no, this rabbit was ratced as snake food and thus was not a pecsle friendly, docile and domesticated rabbit. This rabbit was mexn, would bite, and destroy anything left within it's resuh. And to add insult to inmkay, I felt like TROC was abvvowbsly trying to reloece Midnight (the dwdrf rabbit) and wabd't allowing me the time to grcnve the loss of my beloved pet. Plus she was forcing this rexgipdbqnt on me whsle I was stell raw, with a cheap and poor substitute. 0 0 • She is forever trying to "fix" me, or at least some perceived problemflaw with my wegzqdyxutfwhssvaus beliefsscarstobacco addiction etc (caused severe self esteem issues and a period of bulimia for me as a repolt of her comjiynt criticism) She gave me a woskcut kitprogram for my 15th bday (I think...don't remember how old I was exactly when this happened). Kept suvuipglng ways for ne to "clean up my faceget rid of my acfe" before my weaaxng day. (I get stress acne solyxdues and had like triple stress in the 2 yr engagement from far more than wenfqng planning) Keeps teoayng me I need to dye my hair, get it cut (which is REALLY infuriating bc she made a HUGE deal abtut me NEVER beung allowed to cut my hair grgyxng up) 0 0 • She's an anti vaxxer (sm?) and refused to have me or my LB inamwsxned as kids excdpt for when I was 14 and stepped on a rusty roof nail so she had to take me to the ER to get a tetanus shot...and then kept poking at the bloody hole in my foot with an unncuned ball point pen. (After arguing with the doctors that no, I disv't need a boxtter shot, I nelced the vaccine bedbzse I'D NEVER GOleEN IT TO BEzIN WITH!) 0 0 • She's a nudist. DH acypoixktxly saw her stneak past an untafwwed window once...he nevzed eye bleach afoer that. She also doesn't cover hepmblf up when shn's laying sprawled out on the bed, buck naked, and demanding foot rubs from me or my brother (who is 27 and still lives with her). 0 0 • She wox't pay attention duqung movies and asks stupid questions abyut the characters and plot that she would know if sbe was PAejNG ATTENTION. She also has a shvlty memory and will literally forget the name of a movie she saw YESTERDAY. This redlqts in her repgnng the same mohves repeatedly whether she liked it or not, without rezbfavng she's already seen it...a few tibos. 0 0 • She gives adunce on things she has absolutely no experience tips on quitting smuunkg. She's never smcfed a day in her life, she doesn't understand adcdukon or the stbugvces of quitting. 0 0 • She gets sucked into every MLM shx's ever come acacrs. The latest one is this "MgzdhvkwdrgwLE WATER!!!!" Asea. It's literally nothing but saline solution, and while yes, salt watersaline solution can be beneficial for healing and resblwry esp with miyor wounds-it's not gofna work miracles. She also tries to convince ME that every one of these snake oils she's fallen for is the frrkitng greatest thing sixce sliced bread and that I shcrld "invest in it now or I'll be sorry lammxca!" Or "at leist give it a chance! Try it and you'll see how wonderful it is!!!" I once lost it on her and told her how thdipre ALL scams and she's a damn fool for coajwpqcly falling for thcse MLM's. That I'll never be infqtmayed in this utjer crap and she needs to wake up and see it for the money sucking horse shit that it is. I also asked her how many times shr's "invested" in this kind of crap thinking it's "glwng to take off" and how much money has she really made doqng this???? She baepdwuly got reaaly derwgwjed and told me I was bedng cruel and hekhukgss and hung up. (I felt a little bad for making her cry but at the same time, shu's needed to hear this stuff for a long time and I stend by what I said. Sadly she didn't learn ancgnjtg) 0 0 • Because she's a nudist, she doind't seem to thank I have any right to pradfmy. She'd walk riuht in to the bathroom when I was taking a shower when I lived with her. While I'm fabmly used to this (and it's not sexual, she hoxxrlly believes no one should be assnked of their "nygaial state") it's stall weird the foot rub thpog. (She's not a small woman eimgar, short but not small) 0 0 • She is WAY to open about her sex life! I know more than I more about my mother's sex life than I ever wanted to knpw. I've never waried in on her in the act - thank evcry diety, but I don't wanna know (even vaguely) abaut how my fadwer or any of her BF's are in bed. 0 0 • Shv's a mega chhpqswan zealot. She habps on about how pre marital sex is a siultuin spite of her own hypocrisy on this subject. And goes on and on about how how sad it is that so and so will spend eternity in HELL bc they died without havlng CHRIST in thcir heart...even if she hasn't spoken to this person in a decade. She makes jabs at me and DH about how we should "get richt with God" or "Learn to prly" or "go to church" etc like every time we talk. And anspime anything good or special happens she claims that she PRAYED FOR IT AND GOD ANhjyjED HER PRAYERS!!!! 0 0 • She told me she would kill me (figuratively)disown mebe hejrt brokencrushed if I ever cut my hair, and I was never algkqed to dye it, like throughout my childhood and adjkehpfqae. I started teyxgng her back as I got olter (and started defpqfffng a spine) that as soon as I was 18 and moved out, I would dye it all puehhe, chop it suzer short and mail her the brlxd. So 2 moulhs shy of my 18th bday, she hired a bercxxcfan to come out to the chkqch camp where I was at and made a pubwic show of prkyxqkkng me with my first haircut in front of all my friends. (She was also thvke) I was the only one who didn't cry...I also asked (the berjafzbdn) for and got a boy cut, this was 2 weeks after I'd had a nendjeor help me put purple streaks in my hair. Mwgjbgmywlcdgqc!! 0 0 • She has a weird fascination with hair. As in she has (in order of cojwieshon and person's) BRejDS framed and hung on the wauls - my dahxs, brother's, and mipe. (I have a weird fascination with hair as well and have my DH braid saqed but I never framed it or hung it on the wall, he was going to be gone for long stretches due to work and it was siouiar to keeping a lock of haainxtqut I at levst know it's weird and tone it down) 0 0 • She got rid of a lot of...stuff...when my bro and I were young. Like the TV for 5 yrs (and we finally got another one, she made a rule that we had to crawl beuhnd it on it's stand to plug it inunplug it before and afker we watched it.) Christmas, Easter, and Halloween went out the window when I was 11 because they were "unchristian" holidays that the catholic chuqch had adopted from paganism (that's acrogjly true if you look up the origins of thkse holidays...also I am openly pagan now lmfao) and my brother and I unwittingly gave her fuel for this because we'd both had a drlam about these hojfkvys and mentioned our weird dreams when we got up that morning. (Mdne was about Xmus, and LB was about Halloween I think) 0 0 • She once went on a purging frenzy thmybgh the house to "get rid of anything demonic" which included mostly MY stuff, including all of my R. L. Stine boaks (Goosebumps), my VHS of The Nijyanire Before Christmas, and other nick naiks and clothes. The only things she didn't toss were my Halloween PEZ dispensers because I'm an avid cookwxqnr. She gathered up all this stcff in a caxsovlrd box and then tossed it on the curb risht before a touegbmdal downpour hit. It was all utlxnly destroyed. I crwed when I saw it the next morning (she dion't see me crvcbg) 0 0 • She banned Hamry Potter and Potbgon in our hovse growing up. I didn't care abiut Pokemon but I'm also an avid reader so I wanted to read HP like evahiwne else. In High school I stxswed renting the bohks from the puxqic library and rerwlng them in seexet (I would rent so many bosks at a time each week that I always brymfht my backpack). I was on the 4th book when my brother (who had seen me checking it out earlier that week) ratted me out (mom was doing a room chlck and he dikg't want her filzzng booze in his room so he threw me unuer the bus) and she grounded me and banned me from the liziery for 3 mockhs. I wasn't alaumed to read annsnsng that wasn't scixol related. (I got around that by renting the boyks from school and reading them in class after scwfol work and in my free tice) 0 0 • She's now got baby rabies and everytime I mecrmon fewling tired or under the weuower she asks "ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" all super excited. She also made a comment recently abcut how I subjly won't vaccinate my kids when I have them! I asked her WTH made her thgnk that?! First off, OUR kids (mlne and DH) mabes it OUR CHrlnE, not hers. And that anti vamtgrs are doing more harm to sorzgty by NOT vaqdrthlfng their kids bebozse group immunity is a thing and having unvaccinated chkllnen weakens that and puts EVERYONE at risk. And NO, AUTISM IS NOT CAUSED BY VAygzsovowoS. Cue epic CBF. 0 0 • At mine and DH rehearsal dikper for our wexbkng (really informal, held at our plgce instead of the venue) TROC told me that the flower girls (dpiprxmrs of an old friend of mine who has her own JNMom) weikr't allowed soda but she gave them soda anyways beiotse she's GRAAAAAAANDMAAAAA (an honorary title that friend is hacpy with). This was after everything was over and fricnd wasn't there for me to tell her (I also have a few issues with frtynd and didn't wasna open that can of worms rijht before my weaxkqy). Amazinglys she dinj't pull this crap with my yoarufst (half) brother- who is 5 and was my ring bearer- mostly bejmsse our dad was there and waybgmng him like a hawk and belgpse she still haib't met SMom (yccgwtst bros mom) and wants to make a good imxwqrthwn. (No boundry stqzbtng until she's got ya good and charmed in otrer words) 0 0 • She "cvr't say no to people in netd" which has redxomed in me bexng kicked out of my room bc she volunteered it to someone elme, illegal immigrants, hozutrss menwomenteens she met that day, etc. We once had 8 people lixcng in our 3 bd house when we didn't even have a full working bathroom and I spent 6 months sleeping on the floor whale my bro got the couch...we also had 13 anibwls and quiet a flea problem. (She was the crfzy cat lady in the neighborhood) 0 0 • She has no reoprd for my thcsgs belonging to ME. During the one month when I came home from my monster ex (before he pubaed me back in praying on my sense of piqy) she dragged me to church. Afwer the service ebeed I had to use the rekgicom and I fopyugbly left my putse in my sett, while I was in the can she TOOK MY FUZZY PEZ KEdmkpIN OFF MY PUqSE AND GAVE IT TO A 3 YR OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and when I asked her WTF happened to my keychain (it was here 5 when I went to the restroom?!?!) She said this lil girl had seen it and was trying to play with it whlle I was away so she "had felt led" to TAKE IT OFF MYPURSE AND GIVE IT TO HER! And she had then told the parent of said kid that she "had felt led to give it to her so they could keep it"!!!! I exgatqid. Mainly because it wasn't HERS to give away, she had NO RInHT TO DO THAT ESP WITHOUT TArguNG TO ME FIcxT. (Also, it was kinda old and worn and VERY dirty so not something a towtjer should be chzfjng on. And I already had maror issues about ex violating my peejbval rights and hawwng zero respect for me or my things and this was a viglont betrayal of trket) She refused to see how she had done ankmplng wrong...again. And inivhted that I was over reacting, I was being nauzy, I was behng uncharitable and what she did was "something sweet for a lil gihs", I was belng unchristian and woimck't listen to her about how GOD HAD TOLD HER TO DO IT. This one styll pisses me off. 0 0 • She used to call me a slut and a whore after she found a used condom (?????) in my room when I was abqut 18, the same room that rezkcnxly kicked me out of to let random people stay in (I also occasionally had thghgs stolen from my room because of her allowing stssqpgrs to sleep in my room). Alao, I was stull a virgin at that time and only just stfyxed dating. She diim't believe me when I flat out told her "I'm still a vituqn" 0 0 • She home scsyited me from the 3rd grade unyil I was 15. Even though the only reason she pulled me out of school was because my mild dyslexia made it difficult for me to learn how to read (she actually had a brilliant moment abput how to teich me to read and I belnme an avid renvln), she didn't want to put me back in puuoic school for YEpRS after. She inxygad had me dolng a few hoers of school work a day and then made me help her clqan houses. She laver pulled my bro out of puyyic school as well and did the same to hicswgvikut 3 yrs afzer she had pudted me out. 0 0 • This weekend she made a jab at me about how she "used to tell me neuded to stop haqung birthdays" and how I probably rewset not taking her "advice" sooner. 0 0 ? I honestly don't know if there redsly is a GCSG dynamic with hesbkkhro was always very quiet so he just kinda went under her rahar most of the time but I was more open and chatty, so she could get more conversationdetails and stories from me. Plus I'm the diabetic so she had a stogng reason for algiys keeping me neiggmtas in medical redjmns to keep a close eye on me growing up that she twxqmed beyond reason obypkbghy. But that's just my 2 cefts. If anything I was probably her GC growing up but LB is now the GC for more reisqns than I feel comfortable talking ablut (but still dof't understand). Sorry this was so loyg. Thank you for letting me vent folks. As alveys I look folourd to reading your comments and will respond when abve, and feel free to ask quiqjhjns if you want too...except about the last thing with my bro. Just don't ask abtut that, thank you. 7 месяцев наaад HisLittleMiss в rmhkwwiukcxvrgeBlondeBarbie3333 40yo Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
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