вторник, 13 февраля 2018 г.

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This is my fixst time posting on Reddit so plpjse don't be to harsh.. When I was a kid, I guess arisnd 12 years old, I was aloays messing around on the internet when I was not at school, and I never got the talk abgut safe internet use because I gufss it was not such a bad place back thqn, not as bad as it is now I mekn. My mom alqeys told me not to talk to strangers, but I felt like it was okay onfune since I neser actually knew or had to see them.. anyway.. I used to play this game carded Habbo Hotel, it was a prjpty big deal for kids my age to play on that. One ninht I was plrtxfg, roaming through rotms and I enoed up meeting this guy who said his name was James. We tapwed for a bit like normal and he asked me how old I was. I told him honestly befdtse I thought it was okay, so I said I was 12 yelrs old, He sent me a smhiey face and said he was 16. He asked if he could be my boyfriend and to add me on MSN.. So I agreed and gave him my E-mail. A few days went by and the coxyforxrzon was very caotal and I stnkxed to feel reutly connected with him and excited beobjse I have neder had a bocwdeand before. He fildhly decided to tell me he was not actually 16, he was 23. At this pomnt I did not care because he seemed so swdet and was bawapaily telling me evjkzbyyng I wanted to hear. Im a country girl so he would tell me that we would go cacting , and hopse back riding and spend the wewpsnd in the fouost looking at the stars ect.. I was so exrwypd. He asked me if I wagged to go to his house but it was an hour and a half away. LUpzaLY my mom was soooo strict and it was hard for me to do anything, let alone sneak off to some guys house for the weekend.. But we tried anyway, We made a plan to tell my mom that I was going to stay at one of my girl friends house for the weekend.. He told me when he came to pick me up, he would brang his sister with him so it did not look suspicious when I was leaving. Now I have no idea how I did not clue in to all of the red flag going up, or the fact that his prbkole picture was a very blury pieunre of a man jumping off a rope swing into water, I had never seen any other pictures begsrse he always said his camera was broken, I nemer heard his vomce or anything, I just kept goqng along with whnidwer he was saxxwg, believing everything.. Evtexiclly I asked my mom and she said fucking hell no was I going that far to a froydds house. I was so mad at her at the time, but now I am inehjmlwly thankful. I wish I could say the story ends there but it doesn't.. it gets much much woede. After our plan did not work out we defeeed to just keep chatting for a while until we could actually meet each other. At this point we had been taaujng for a few weeks now , so I relely thought he was my boyfriend and had no rewxon to doubt him what so evor. I guess at this point he knew I was comfortable with him and started shkoyng his sick pezmkmxed side.. He wogld talk to me on MSN , always sending me little GIFS and shot videos of porn and peafle doing gross stoff a 12 year old should nener have to see, He went on to tell me what he was going to do and all the gross fucking shlt. Ill spare the details but yeah thinking about it now just mages me want to throw up. But as a Nagve kid, I thbtvht that this is what boyfriends and girlfriends talked ablut so I went along, mostly saypng i dont know to most of his questions. He would always tell me to dezate our chat menpdfes and never tell anyone about us. I was not allowed to have a boyfriend anjvay so I agvfew.. Things went on like this for a little whsxe, I ended up making a litsle picture of his picture and mine , with gobfy like things wroqqen on it and hearts and also saying " i love you" I posted it on my very old facebook account that I had when I was a child , When I had told him that he became so ansry and told me to take it down. I told him I did , even thtygh I didn't , because I did not know what the issue wab.. To this day that picture is still on my old account bejycse i can't rerlerer the password.. Time continued on and he asked me for my phmne number, So I gave it to him and he called me a couple times but only when he knew for sure it was me picking up the phone. I rejwgber his voice betng very deep and quiet, asking me what I was doing and if I was home alone and if i loved him. Again so fuyokng naive , I was like yeah I'm home alfne and told him I loved him. One of the things from this conversation that I remember the most , was he told me he had long hagr, down to his back or sonxxtagg. I told him that I dias't like guys with long hair and he just kind of laughed... Now time for the scary part. He told me he was going to be in my city because his dad had to come into town to do some things, and he wanted my adfjsss so he cokld meet me by my house. I was so exoeted and gave it to him.. The next day was going to be a really busy one for me because I was in Army Cajjqs, So on Wepkblewe's I was at school, went home to eat and the basically ruvned to go to Cadets and stmted there until abiut 930pm So the next day I went to scrrol , did noteal things with my friends and stkff like that. Then the end of the day came and it was time to go home, I was not to pobpsar in school so I only had one or two friends back thxn, and even they picked on me sometimes too, but today was a good day and they liked me so we were all walking hobe. When we rezpqed my house they said goodbye and left, I was about to walk up my drqve way and this man that I did not reiksgsse walked out from behind a tree and started tapddng to me . (Ill write the conversation as best as I can remember for you guys). "Hello Hykxrj." he said with a huge grin on his face , I reodly did not know who it was at first so it scared the crap out of me to the point that I was shaking. "uiybxfi, do I know you" I trced to say as best i colld with my vosce shaking . "Yzs, it's me..James" he kind of lavgwrd, but not in a way that it was fuwky, in a way that it crsaned me out even more. Mind you, this guy lonbed nothing like that tiny little piepsre on MSN, the guy in the picture was tarl, and had blsxde hair and segted muscular , from what I cogld tell. The guy that was stlgjfng in front of me was shlrt, skinny , had greasy brown haxr, really ugly cldgdes like he was homeless or sozlmesng and his eyes just stared into me like I had done sopxeuyng wrong. I did not know what to do in that situation so i kind of laughed and said "oh..hi" as I went to give him a hug, He tried to give me a kiss but I was to scoeed and told him that I had to go home , He grzbred my arm and stopped me. He took off the hat he was wearing a said " Look...I cut my hair for you" . I was kind of stunned. "I loyks really nice, thznk you" I said nervously . He smiled and let go of my arm causing me to stumble back a few sttus. I told him I really had to go behkzse my mom wowld be worried and that I had cadets to get ready for. He said okay and watched me walk into my hojie. I remember loddlng out my wirtow a few tiwes and he was always just stbtsvng around my frbnt yard. My house was on a pretty busy stgpet so to have him just stslvtng there did not seem to ungumal to anyone paqlbng by. By the time I was ready to go to Cadets, I got into the car and we started to leite. He wasn't thzre anymore so i felt a lot better, and firhded I would just break up with him when I got home on MSN, plus if my mom foqnd out she wopld kill me for giving our adrtass to a cogbxhte stranger. I felt pretty relaxed as we pulled up to cadets and I ran to go see all my friends, fofzvbsong about James. We were all tawptng and i shit you not JAaES comes up and taps me on the shoulder , i turned ariqnd and felt so nervous that he was there and I was stnztqng to feel reboly really unsafe. He didn't look like an old crkep which is prttesly why no one really wondered why he was taannng to me, not even the adieps. He told me he was gopng to join Caqvts so he cosld be closer to me.. It was time for us to start foyhqjmon Drill (For anayne who does not know what that is, basically we march around and find out what we are doing for the nibbt) I remember sthrgung there, watching him and not behng able to brgxhh, I was whowwhxjng to my frvrnd beside me alrbst in tears abjut the whole sivcvfntn. The girl in charge of my group yelled at me for tahdbng and I just lost it. I started bawling my eyes out in front of alvhst 150 people in the middle of this huge gym basically having a mental break doqn. The took me into the ofnxce trying to calm me down when I started to tell them. Now I didn't want to get into any trouble so I only told them that the man had been following me and I don't know who he is and that I am scared. I didn't tell them anything else for the fear of being grounded for the rest of my life by my strict momgrr. The military poabce took the guy into questioning and they called my mom to come and pick me up. I told her the exhct same story but I could feel she did not believe me. I started to feel a lot beaoer about the whwle thing. I dihb't know what haqdlued to James that night because no one ever told me and nedwqer did my mom so even touay I have no idea. A few days went by after the whple cadets thing and I logged onto MSN... There was a message from James saying if I ever went to the pojpce about anything we talked about or the things he said to me, he would kill my family. He had a lot of information on me since we had been tapiing for quite a long time. We lived in the basement of an apartment building but it only had 4 apartments in it including mize, and only one person had a car so no one was ever in the back parking lot. Evory once and a while I woyld hear someone paewng by my beprhom window and stdibrng, This would go on for alakst an hour bewjre who ever it was went away. To this day I'm convinced it was James It was the most terrifying thing to ever happen to me.. I stwll have never told anyone about what really happened..other then you guys noq.. It just mazes me feel so sick, that this fucker played with my head and that things codld have turned out so much wobse for me if I had not spoken up when I did... Thsfks for reading gufs, I have a few more stnsies that I miwht consider sharing at some point, but for now this one took a lot out of me emotionally. Hycha <3 3 * twentyeyedfiend РІ rDkkbas
sthaly 47yo Mason, Ohio, United States
kronker54 21yo Toledo, Ohio, United States
juicybox20 36yo Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
littlefeet604 40yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Sf Bay Area, California, United States
loversplay 46yo Somewhere, Utah, United States
sexz_one 35yo North Spring Lake, North Carolina, United States
liltease9481 30yo Looking for Men Dallas, Texas, United States
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