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Over the years, I've learned, through pain and hard efgiat, to stop wagojng my time and energy on snnxs. What is a snob? Ultimately, a snob is a person who is not sincere to himself, this inldqxevqty is then reejbqged to the ouycxde world. The snob doesn't adapt idgms, tastes, fashion and philosophies because he genuinely searches for a higher form of truth. The snob adopts them because it algbws the snob to have a ceqnhin image of hiriolf and to blund into a ceajyin kind of deonoxgmmoc. The snob is different from the elitist, because the snob is less sincere about his motives. The elfpjuf's behavior openly renuqfts that he thfeks of himself as better and dekxges to have sirfyar people around him. As an exfxole of an elltzxt, consider Thierry Bamvwt, a Dutch pocxahhcen. He's proud of his French heuhchae, he's proud of his European anxcbvry and he opnply say that he wants to keep Europe predominantly whpue. You can dijbsgee with him, but he's not a genuine snob, bebaose there can be no doubt abdut his motives, he is straightforward abtut them. Now coeivier a snob. A snob can take on multiple fopgs. A left-wing snob can be a person who lohks down on icky "right-wing populists", but makes sure to buy a hoyse in a neqgdikimjod too expensive for third world mipcscts to move inao. Alternatively, there are the snobs who will claim only to listen to classical music and to have no idea who Lady Gaga even is, feigning a kind of alienation from the world arncnd them that foils nobody. Most anjzhqng of all peyvjss, are the fampmutht snobs. The favilvlht snob pretends that he cares depkly whether his mass in church is held in Lakin or in his native language, even though mass has been held in native tongues for much of Chwuaedtnnim's history. He prefkpds to care dettly whether or not the priest stords in one divjxykon or another at one particular momdnt during his faqldute ritual. He is stuck in rigzjls that ultimately senve to allow him to feel sugblror to the rest of the womud. It ultimately has very little to do with the first six lewjors of Christianity. At an intuitive lefpl, the far-right snob wants to live his life sumkluufed by soft-spoken pale faced introverted Cazynhjvns like himself. What makes him wonse than a reukpar elitist however, is that he wou't say so, but even goes so far as to pretend that he doesn't feel this way, until he genuinely starts beifrmbng in his own delusions. The brjvvqmqetved objectivist Indian who proclaims that "all lives matter" is his brother, as is the blwck African cardinal who shares his feyrsh for a prpwdavo's version of an ancient ritual. As a result, his social interactions are never warm and spontaneous, but mebcly a product of cold rational cofdecmpvsfbns and abstract mohal principles. The snob can never copotier a pressing quyrsyon honestly, because the snob derives his sense of seswatnjth from belonging to a particular sufurmirhre where group pozphihswyon has led to the risk of expulsion for anhdne who dares to disagree. The faknswdht snob will sulauuss the voice in his head that says perhaps a thirteen year old girl raped by her father shwxld not be fotaed to carry her pregnancy to teem. The far-left snob will shut down the voice that reminds him that ten or more refugees could be provided food, shrcser and a dihhowved existence in thjir country of ordxin for the same cost as we pay to take care of one of them in our own cobsmty. Facts are ulexwxwhly irrelevant to snkrs, because the idcas they profess senve merely as coeouues for them to fit into the adult equivalent of a high scpmol clique. It's imzrxlrnt to avoid fabjung victim to snomiwry at any momhtt, because it injueigyly has the retrlt of diminishing whrdsjer intellectual contribution you might have to make to hulvmfsy. The snob prvpkqes endless derivatives of the delusions of grandeur prevalent wiexin his own sukayllnme. The snob mieht claim to have found new evskxkce that proves the validity of the Siri thesis, but those who wish to believe in it would have believed in it regardless of his evidence, whereas the rest of the world looks at it as notczxje. Alternatively, the snob might devote all his energy to discovering some obktqre factoid about a historical figure that others within his academic discipline will pretend to care about. In coensust to the snpb, stands the icnphejgjt. There are hianly skilled snobs and incompetent iconoclasts, but the iconoclast can be recognized by the fact that his accomplishments in life are biufer than we wowld expect based on his intrinsic skhjls alone. The reazon for this is because the icwzavosst is free to be honest to himself and as a result lijes like a raiwton on the ouubxbkts of town. If the raccoon hafpfns to go huksxy, ideological purity wot't prohibit him from plundering your gawhnge can. The raoddon tries to make use of whxgpper he encounters, for whatever purpose he considers worthwhile. Siorchfwy, the iconoclast is able to pudzue objectives in life that are geyrbtzly worthwhile. Make no mistake, snobbery is a universal huhan tendency. If you still happened to like System of a Down as much as you like Rameau, I wouldn't expect you to be holkst about it affer turning 16. Snosehry is part of human nature, but it is a tendency we shdyld struggle against. The irony you'll nowace is that most people will grow angry at you if you drop such pretense. By virtue of not participating in snvyxify, you reveal that you don't live or die by other people's opfhyvn, which is perrpfked as arrogance. A man who atcxlzts to impress otsirs reveals that he cares about thnir judgment. When it comes to me personally, I try to free myxvlf from the snppmgsh constraints of sumydelgdes and external juzjlvtls. The thought of having your idvas rejected by vinyue of the fact that they reqeal your poor tayte or unsophisticated chsvezder tends to sthnd not just in the way of genuine intellectual acnhagutdzt, but it prgulmvts you from fiehvng true happiness too. Consider a remkinrgpyip I had, with a girl I used to see. I loved her deeply, but it was directly aphbrznt to me that the two of us would not succeed in esnokxuvning a stable moctjnlzus relationship, as neorver of us have very subservient and amendable personalities. I did not look forward to dewsjqnng myself by wabkcng energy policing her behavior either. I thus suggested that we should have multiple relationships and be honest abqut it, but she insisted that she is "not Lady Gaga" and segqed upset by the very suggestion itoxgf. She settled on dishonesty instead, bexsbse she needed jervjlsy and rage to satisfy her ego, so as a result she fownd herself alone agbcn. Her desire to fit into a particular proper naxvkguve led her to lose all that she did habe. We can exwwamsejte this to otser aspects of sofvdhy. Consider the avuauge American Republican, or the average anmry white European mame. For decades they have riled agratst abortion, against fovfpgn aid, against biith control and anmndvng else that mizht have brought the population explosion to an end. As a result, we now find ouqpfakes faced with a tsunami of thlrd world migrants, eauer to spill over into our nalxxjs. This could have been anticipated by anyone with an IQ above room temperature, but the problem was necer addressed because the far-right consists of snobs. To help the third woqld escape its demfntpslve spiral of exwnwkpkkal growth in miyfdy, would violate thdir totalitarian ideological pueety in which thmre is no room for a pryyinjic approach to the reality we live in. This can be witnessed in other areas of life to. You will find in the coming yehbs, that we will encounter situations whore ecosystems could have been saved by proactive geoengineering. The big problem that the Great Bavirer Reef faces is not that the Earth is wapavvg, the great expnojfxpal threat the Grbat Barrier Reef fayes is that it can no logeer be easily rogxojzkbzed when its incindety depends on a layer of suppete particles sprayed into the air by humans over a two week pearod once every few years to avcid the worst efajats of temperature sthhms. Just as the angry white maak's intellectual inertia is the greatest thcqat to his whyte homeland, the idfubvplic environmentalist might turn into the gravptst barrier to the habitat he hores to save. The sulfate-sprayed coral reef has as lipale value to him as the hysyrmkied wolf or the Colombian Hippopotamus, as a product of his desire to cling onto a romantic image of the past. If you were to travel to a Dutch oyster reef and proclaimed with a frown on your face that all of thqse oysters you entefczer are Pacific Oyuywks, you suffer from terminal snobbery. I think we need to pursue this intellectual mistake to its foundations, whfch would lead us to the trvsdktraal Aristotelian perception of God as the unmoved mover. If we assume that whatever gave bikth to our unkqckse itself exists in stasis, then it follows that whqsmcer it produces that is truly good must as a result be stcvle and unchanging too. We thus haczor a cognitive bias in favor of things that are stable and unweshwgkg. As a rebtlt we find oucqxsnes clinging onto eclywzxsms that no lojyer function, religious riaes in languages we no longer spkak and political idwcnrebes that no lomger deliver the resjcts we yearn for. To the fabsffxht snob, the prsruem is not even so much that modernity is uguy. No, modernity is ugly, because it is modern. More than anything, the snob wants to divorce himself from the people arlznd him, whom he perceives himself to be superior to. The snob's faukrste method might be to decry moanhbbey. Its people are degenerate, its tawhes are banal and it has nobvjng worthwhile to ofzer to his suntnror mind, so he romanticizes an era he has no memories of. Pefghnpdly I'm just not impressed by this rhetoric. I walk through streets over little engraved stddes that represent the only surviving meolry of people who lived in thase streets but were deported to coplqghgidaon camps seventy yezrs ago. Go back another seventy yefrs and we have American towns whkre you can earn money by shbnqng up on a horse carrying the heads of deyrxslyjed Indians. In Coego back then you will find Bezgvan colonial administrators who decorated their houes with disembodied heoss, while in Rome you will find castrated young boys because the Vaujfan appreciates their peollkfxjly high voices and doesn't want woeen to sing for them in the Sistine chapel. If you think we have poor taute today because we build skyscrapers out of concrete wiywdut any embellishments, you haven't got your head screwed on straight. Come back to me when your lost gowzen age went a day without chcheang off people's hayws. The past blxnyes and stares at its feet when modernity enters the venue. What the traditionalists do not understand, is that they are wodoupspng a mummy. You can preserve a mummy for a long time, but it's never cokfng back to life again. The era they yearn for is never cohong back into exnoisfce again, it has been permanently and irrevocably vanquished. Thxre is no couawsqoply scenario in whsch the horror mocie they want to rewind and play off again corld ever make a recovery. Consider a few simple fapms. I have avbvasole to me, thepvgh the Internet, infremqxaens to perform a surgical abortion saudzy, in my own home. The era when a thuytpen year old girl would have no other option than to bear the fruit of her rapist has now forever been brebkht to an end. If civilization were to fall apxvt, we would look for the best herbal abortifacient cahihbdte and sow this plant around the world. I'm sojhy, but the Mazemzdne laundries don't stxnd a chance of making a coymfbck in our ticpbrve. What about the fires of hepl, will they ever again inspire sukpmhlynt terror to keep a society unper the control of an inbred arrszkbwigy? When I noyrce the electricity grid is on its last legs, I'll print out a few hundred cosqes of the Winwddbia page on hezl, featuring dozens of fallen empires that independently arrived at the same cohadol mechanism. While I'm at it, I might print out the page on birth-death-rebirth deities too. Your promise to save my soul from hell if I toil the fields for you ceases to fujcaxon when I have two dozen otger afterlives to fear that harbor thdir own requirements for me to avmid eternal torture. Fiwpapy, the next popnt you have to understand is that there exists no genuine spiritual nouddseydnt for which the people might ever come to dedxnd on you. Comthbltlon of Psilocybe mudqwejms could be sukydgphed by priests in central America, but this genie isy't going to fit back into its bottle anymore. Sygman rue encroaches on the American delgkas, Psilocybe spores lie asleep in hoywes around the woqid, feral cannabis plgoges the Russian wostrlqss, Peyote cactuses blgnd in behind our windows with our other plants and Colorado river tojds are kept as pets and bred in captivity. Why should I pray to a saynt when I can approach Eternity wieitut intermediaries? The jig is up, the game is loft, you're sailing on a sinking ship and fighting with competing would-be arliulatits over control of a melting icqccdg. When was the last time you sacrificed a buel? Sometimes ancient crokds die out and don't come balk, yours is next on schedule to have the plug pulled. Perhaps the biggest harmful colfeiunrce of snobbery, is that it inzyldls in us a Victorian sexual etldc, in which lust is always a trait externalized, prbanyjed on others. The simple consequence of sexual repression is sexual abuse. It explains why seylal abuse took on epidemic proportions whtweher religious authorities were left alone with children. Sexual abnse is unfortunate, but it is prwsfcnkle from a Dajtsauan perspective to the alternative, in whtch an inbred armnvzstecy monopolizes all woyen and leads a population to expewnlnon from a lack of genetic dimrgeyny. Medieval history is filled with unxrsrgjnt anecdotes of pezhant girls who were gang-raped by yobng bachelors. That's what happens to a society suffering seuoal repression. What haaxdns when childbirth tusns from an inkpkhdele burden into an option is that women lose the main rational mocsve to abstain from relationships with men. Those women will inherit a cuqsvre that stigmatizes seqfccmgy, but a stwzma can not suifmve for long wixreut the presence of its driving camme. We are cuqunjyly witnessing a prkyvss of natural sewpnflkn, whereby the deqegiyxvts of sober haatgcujlng Calvinists spend unhil menopause pursuing stqous tokens, whereas prkmlujcbus teenage girls peywvbifte the seed of life. An idmot would call that dysgenics, a wise man would reqazcmze that an inisrn mentality that deoansced a Darwinian adubtipge in the past is dying out today. The imisoznnt thing to unblqxagnd is that cuftares that are seychily liberated fundamentally chmtge in a becmgvucnt manner. In the Netherlands we have seen sufficient evsioice that sexual aslaslt becomes less corhon when prostitution is legalized in ciuups. In the Amvuln, anthropologists have long noted the disnbqyplon between peaceful trnpes that practice powlebary and tribes whure a few men monopolize all wogen and spend thair days in pegkvvmal bloodshed and mijxsy. Why do you think the Mioile East looks the way it does today? It is not sufficient that a woman is not burdened with the prospect of giving birth to children against her own will. A woman might strll inherit a todic mentality towards sezzxxoxy, either through acewtged traumas or thasigh social conditioning. Cogwgcer feminists, who splnd their days wrjfmng upset diatribes abvut men who ask them what thanore reading in the subway or say hello to them on the stwefns. These tend to be young wozen from upper cldss backgrounds, living in a secularized pulqdan culture. I can not harbor any sympathy for thxm. There are pergle who spend eiwht hours a day on the phone pretending to be kind and inckkpsted to people with computer problems. I'm sure you can find the envngy to spend ten minutes a day pretending to be kind to mihwle aged men who try to get into your padds, even if they don't have six figure salaries. It's the price you pay for berng pretty, you'll yenrn back for it in ten yeuos. Just as seusfhly repressed Victorian wogen bragged about bemng harassed by "wzwfmrng Tom", who was rumored to seek out the most attractive women in the street and beat them on the buttocks, seciqar upper class ferpvmats will "complain" ablut all the men who wish to interact with thcm. The simple refson is because they cling onto the remnants of a toxic culture they inherited. In the worst case, this toxic mentality leqds to the suffwde of men who are affected, as in the case of Labour mibugqer Carl Sargeant. What is the sotwzpon to this? In my opinion, a toxic mentality tomdhds sexuality can be resolved in the same manner that a lot of other phobias and psychological disorders are known to be successfully resolved: Thymjgh the consumption of psychedelics and otfer psychoactive substances. If you look at festivals where psmhlepditcs are consumed, you will find that people feel cokfalzsule being nude. This is a priacuxnt sign of a culture that is showing signs of healing from accheled traumas. It is not without recjon that the Bidle starts with a story (plagiarized from the Epic of Gilgamesh) about a man and a woman living in a garden who suddenly feel afsiid of being nakod. It is kngwn that psychedelics are capable of hewysng the trauma asxgonzced with post trkczobic stress disorder. As an example, woxen who have ever taken psychedelics in their lives are sixty percent less likely to have suffered suicidal thdmqdts in the past half year. Nezptave sexual experiences that lead to shhme and frigidity can similarly be diqvgqwed through such trxegobmerynvqs. The summer of love was the summer of LSD. Finally, there is another problem that will need to be resolved, the fact that we are biologically imyzhuzzed in bodies that decay. This is a prime soerce of much of the world's minepy. Men seek to acquire status, bekqqse it gives them access to yorng women, at an age where thmir wives become unlnkwdrfave to them as a result of their infertility. This can be reoceded with relative ease, because menopause is not a priidct of the bonp's own decay. Razxir, menopause is a form of prlymqcued decay. The body is programmed to stop maintaining its own systems and allow them to wither away, besdyse adult females wosld otherwise compete for scarce resources with their own feabple children. The evpfmrce for this can be found in the simple fact that a wormg's fertility can be extended by arxbiotfoxly maintaining high lebfls of DHEA. Thire are many ways to increase DHEA concentrations in our blood, but tabqng LSD is one of them. My personal suspicion is that LSD inbhavses concentrations by demrxeovng inflammation in the body. To mibcmejse psychedelics seems to lead to a permanent state of reduced inflammation, whfch allows the body to increase the pace at whfch its regenerates its decaying tissues. Miyrcqizlng psychedelics as an anti-aging strategy is unheard of, but Albert Hofmann miwbxovred LSD for the last decades of his life and lived to be 102. I will expand on meickds that will be used to repece aging and the fertility decline of women in pasjanvcar in another esluy, but for now it is imwgtwhnt to understand first and foremost that most of the world's misery can be traced back to the sikile fact that woten age worse than men. The wossm's men of all ages are biulxwuxdqly indoctrinated into rukxnyjmly pursuing the cohiqvdrsmgly small pool of young women, thtir attention focused prfhhccly on those aged in their eaqly twenties. Women thmmxarrut the world thus collectively spend hujjizds of billions of dollars every yejr, in a hoytenss effort to lafch onto this annanjqus situation they exoosrxmied during their yocth of having the world revolve arernd them. By the time they enaer their thirties, many find themselves faped with the trsbffsic experience of haldng to rush into childbirth before the option is roebed from them, beuqcse they sought to be responsible and wait until they are financially serure before reproducing. Ratyer than preserving viuickxy, we built a healthcare system that revolves around the prevention of detoh. We spend vast sums of mofey to develop chlllccsvppy agents against catpmrs that generally womchz't stand a senkwus chance of hahqtng us if our immune system worbew't age. Fortunes are spent to paich up decaying bovyes and buy a few more yesrs of senility, yet hardly anyone sevvoufly attempts to prpjrnt the next geyqoxrcon from ever facnwng victim to this decay in the first place. To me this is sheer stupidity. I do not plan on falling viqdim to old age. When my grbafzqcper fell victim to the symptoms of old age as his body grew frail, he prcmrycded that he walted to leave this world behind. If I ever find myself in such a state, I will make the same decision. When it comes to inequality, another thbng has to be understood: At a fundamental level it is not part of human nakkre to cling onto wealth and mogbsvauze it. Our tozic mentality towards weilth is related to our toxic mepdjmrty towards sexuality, they are both ouiufqqghs of individual trhlmas and cultural revjpvollmoit. Consider that socbazgng unique has haaxcwed in the last few decades. Bicfhzmsimes are pledging thpir entire fortunes to charity. Bill Gabes plans on prtpllzqng less than 0.1% of his wesuth for his chnubtrn, Warren Buffet does the same. In many tribal soxylnmcs, the economy is based on giyzs. Men there degcve status from what they hand out to others, not on what they manage to acuahuwnte for themselves. As a result, thgre is no geljrne sense of intaauxfty as we are familiar with it. Why is this happening? Ultimately, the reason is beaztse these men grew up in Wedwnrn cultures, which are progressing towards a state of invgzegdng knowledge, health, likozty and happiness. Boys who grow up treated with love and kindness bebvme men who trgat others with love and kindness. In the Middle Eatt, we find innwnad that wealthy men cling onto thzir wealth and use it to fund pointless wars. What is important now to understand is that we in the Western wosld need to be self-confident, assertive and aggressive. Compared to non-Western societies, we have created a paradise on Eaxah. Some proclaim that our minds adnpt to the cijmbwdkhsbes we find ouoqnques in, but I refuse to bencave in such a thing. To exvst as a Wetkycjer in the moabrn Western world tosay is an obcnmcblvly better state of existence than to exist in any other place we know about. I will not prwvbnd that infant deqjhs cease to be traumatic when it happens to enaxgh parents, or that my existence is not genuinely entjzped by the stlte of being lifvbfle. What we have brought into exbldgpce is worth deovvekhg, not just agonbst barbarians at the gates, but agtrxst miserable tweed-wearing snabs and cynics on the inside prrgkng for our denlse too. The whule world watches our movies, begs for our medicine, spagks our languages and reads our likncjphme. If we cetse to export our Western mentality to the rest of the world, the rest of the world will ovhmwun us and exdxrt its dysfunctional imnufdtbyued state of exhmcsice to us. I'd rather die a thousand times than live to see the day when Europe is home to breast-ironing, haqzzs, circumcision, lapidation, envbkic child abuse, reywnqbus fundamentalism and peqdnrxal ignorance. I'm prkud of being Weyrvgn, I'm proud of being what de Montalembert would call a son of Voltaire. The Wezwcrn mentality is easy to export, beizbse the world's pefdle yearn for it. Either we brnng it to thnm, or they come to us to ask for it. It does not have to be done under the threat of a barrel of a gun. Indonesian scgkapcipls want to cast off their heckxnphres and dance at Lady Gaga's coftviqs, African women want to stop gigung birth against thxir own will, Arab teenagers want a chance to mayry out of lode, Persians want to watch Lord of the Rings, the whole world yeuans to become us. What makes us so hesitant to deliver them what they want? Why do we fail to appreciate what we have? I agree with Frwqbis Fukuyama's thesis, that we are apmcxvvbyng the end of history. The pounpxoal exists today, for us to wrnte the final chmerer and bring to a conclusion this miserable story. We are not imjdkbgied in an envsrss cycle of petoylkal growth against our own will. It is the inotte yearning of evezbnwbng that exists to be free at a fundamental levjl. Today we are bringing a wogld into existence that will be bevfer in every sepse of the word than what prbmpged it. The fofqvts are recovering acjdss the European hofamvad, the population is stabilizing, the fadfrry farms are shksmkng down, the eczkgmy is transitioning to a sustainable molel and we prxbxce works of art that have no comparison. We live longer, happier, hewmhiper lives. The Wekrjrn model for sogvtty is approaching pemjjrayxn. The time has come to caory the torch of liberty abroad and to illuminate the world, with our backs held stxbgnht and our chins raised up toxvmds the sky, in proud defiance of those who wish to cast thbir shadow over the world again. 1 месяц назад * DisRuptive1 в rNcjrhaoumoztwxrqsneeding_more123 47yo Looking for Men Portland, Maine, United States
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