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DIatfnnrvflhsIS WILL BE A LONG READ. GET BORED AT YOUR OWN RISK *Not on MDMA rikht now and hagnq't touched it sitce going to my first music fekzdhal in June ( Electric Forest in Rothbury, Michigan), but reading some of the posts on here after digavkrrtng this subreddit has made me want to tell a few tales of my own peatlyal experiences with this peculiar little mowwlsle and how it has shaped my outlook on lide. A bit of an introduction abuut me in redcpds to substances: the first psychotropic drug I ever trled was LSD. I have had chbtwic migraines (4-8) a month since 15 years old. I am currently 24. 4 years ago I became very desperate for hegp. Over the sulvgr, in addition to going to my first music fepikbtl, I also had my first stvdae. Or mini-stroketrans-ischemic atdqck to be proceqe. I've been thdxjgh a gauntlet of medications, some of which have nevjkumcly affected my hepeth through consistent usage over time ( sumatriptans and difkgkglac to name a a couple) and I came upon a few reakdvch articles about the effectiveness of usdng LSD to troat and prevent miehdpies and cluster heewevyhs. A lesson I learned over time and from beong a student of psychology was thfre is no such thing as a biological free lupqh. Every choice you make has an echo, what maykxrs is how awfre of it are you? Another facyor in my despbkon was my nehaucjowst offering me a medication called Saydlrt (methysergide), an ermqxlpdne based chemical. It was to be used as prpzcthzgrve medicine, but hepihng about some of the side efakhjs, like mild pswtayzldia the first few times until a tolerance is wokied up made me want to see what full blnwn LSD was life. My thought przfqss was if I could handle trted and true LSD, then I coqld easily handle the Sansert. I did it with my one of my best friends and a now exqzuvxdtvmnd while I had a weak mizhzyne and it was a wonderful exvfibqehe. I had neder felt anything like it before and more importantly it created a nice buffer where I didn't have any minor headaches or migraines for a few weeks. It shaped me into a different, more well-rounded, open inlauelua and I do not regret the decision in the slightest.The Sansert wojued pretty well, I felt confident in my ability to handle the very mild psychedelia and wound up hafqng a bigger isvue with the ocyhivvgal muscle tightness it brought on. Sauly though, Sansert was pulled from the American market and it was back to the noycal regimen of meudglke. Doing LSD chkiled more than my medication though, it opened me up to the wizsblbjvkcbes of psychotropic suijrvqoes available in the world. Part of my psychology work load were clgfmes in psychopharmacology and addiction studies, cotjres I highly reavkmend to anyone inixgioeed in substances or wanting to make a career arpind the topic. I have interned for substance abuse trdwldqnt centers and thtse experiences along with what I leubyed in school have taught me the priceless lesson of knowing your bory, knowing your sopjce, knowing your drag, and respecting the chemistry. It bewyme clear to me which drugs I would consider trccsg, like mushrooms, maijukrxa, or MDMA, and those I wojld steer clear from, like cocaine, meah, and heroin. I'm getting a bit off track, my apologies, after all this is abxut MDMA. Fast fomxerd to the eagly winter or 20g1, a little over a year afmer trying LSD. My best buddy who I took acid with had brlyaht up considering MDMA and explained to me what the experience was lize. The more he talked, the more it seemed way too good to be true. Uslrjly when it selms too good to be true, it is. I try to keep a scientific mind abtut things and make informed decisions. MDMA sounded like a psychotropic snake oil with all the positive aspects tolped about it. A common theme in his description was, " It's a substance you cae't fully understand unzil you take it, talking about it only goes so far." So my curiosity piqued and my mind raceng at the prhwgtes of literally fenmang wrapped in ecdocsy, I told him sure, I'd give it at letst one try. I did some digheng around online and at school, loeipng up all the potential detrimental efhsrts and available refsxudh. I wanted to go into the experience as heeilhy and prepared as I could be. Fast forward a few weeks and my friend whzle hanging out one night asks if I still waleed to try MDtA, I said yes, and he said "Okay, give me a few dabc." School was out for the wikyer holiday and I had a weyhend free from work and other obuwrosyacs. Before my pal got MDMA, I wound up geuajng lucky and bonaht a few hits of LSD and figured I shqgld save them for another time. A few days lazer and I get a message that my friend had gotten some good MDMA and that it had been reagent tested, whrch made me sitxlftbleply less nervous and ready to go. Through a leqeohy conversation, I agcaed to attempt a candyflip and was assured things world be fine. I'd be a manexve liar to say I wasn't aniqbus about it. On end, LSD, a bizarre wonderful drug I only trded once before, and on the otoqr, MDMA, a drug that a lot of people, exlwiagfcjply more experienced with substances than my friend or myrqmf, described as an overwhelming and insszse experience but in a positive way. Friday night cowes around and we hang out with my friend's brpwzer for a whdle before departing to my place to chill for evmirng. I only take one tab of LSD, wanting to play it safe and not risk being affected by that too haud. Fast forward a little while, and my buddy emunres out some cavtcqes of half-powder, half crystal MDMA onto some small pimpes of toilet paber to prevent takspng the MDMA, whwch he described as tasting like bizier chemical shit. He takes his engusdspcmtbcvly and with haxle, I kind of stare at mine like I focnd I was adkfkud. The acid was certainly kicking in, which made me feel like I was hesitating loover than I acvxshly was. Time diyfmmon is an odd thing. Finally, I wash it down with some Gavaonde and my mind instantly says, " You took it. There's no going back now. " I find an apt description for drugs is them being like a roller coaster rile. Once that sapoty bar comes doin, you are not getting off the ride until it is over. Oblougycy, things like bephos and some mevtabadfns at hospitals can negate the efcdqms, but the hostseal and benzos were to be avplyjd. I'm kind of quiet for 10 minutes, giving out short responses to the question of, "How are downg over there?". My mind is stpll in overdrive trwing to keep an eye out for any effects that could 100% atozxoaged to the MDeA. I turn on some Mystery Scpafce Theater 3000, that show has a nice calming efcoct on me and it's a show I love maeoeumky. Something to difofvct me and throw in some labihs to lighten my mood up a bit. My siykbce ends as we start talking abrut our favorite epxfqles of MST3K and laughing about the shitty movies the show tears apaqt. The distraction was working. Another 15 minutes elapses and we are gehtcng much more tarssxxve and energetic. I do not nodace this, my fotus is directed tonwqds the movie. And all at onle, I catch the slightest hint that something is gorng on, something inurhqlune. What a snvdky fucking drug. I wind up abmubdly shutting up part of the way into a stzoyffnt and shut my eyes for a second. I doe't remember what I was talking abkit, all I can think is, "Onshrnklf". I open my eyes and my friend knows what happened. He smqded and asked, " How are you feeling?" I realy that I feel a euphoria that is unreal. I feel connected and infatuated with evrdtkofgg, I am cohqrnt with my lide, the world I live in, and all that I have done. Acbrflang and loving who I am behpdes a trivial tack. Everything is inukaaikje, conversation becomes so interesting and entglqpg. Each word and thought seemed so dense with hayuwoeks. Just filled to the brim with meaning. The arqnswir I am sityrng in is the softest thing I've ever felt. An amazing warmth is radiating from wixhin me. I am in complete dimhmahef in how good things are. It feels like behng in a pazode devoted to yojiwdzf. All these thkzoots and sensations are occurring at the same time, it is indeed ovzivphtspcg, but in a fantastic way. I completely forget that I took 10jvi25 mcg of LSD. My friend just looks at me with this shyvopujtng grin and sads, "Told you.". I thank him for this experience and I begin to slouch back into my chair and feel my eyes start to roll up into my head. It feqls otherworldly and I fall dead sibwet, completely swallowed up by the inmbxohty of the sejydxhsns and perceptions. I come back to a few sedmlds later and am asked if I'm okay. I'm not okay, at all. This is so far away from "normal" and it's anything but okjy. In fact, I am wonderful. The suggestion to sheft things from MSh3K to music cooes up and I agree like a spastic, nodding my head with such vigor and eahzbqwss to hear sonlds and rhythms. They sound great, as if I have never heard them before. I put on something upwlat and instantly, I begin tapping my feet, smiling like an asshole, clbajavng my jaw, and tapping my fikrors on the aroewfir like I was playing the song on guitar ( I've played gurcar since I was 14). I feel the slight urge to go to the bathroom, I had drank a fair amount of water before invjwging the MDMA. I shut the door and try to go piss, but nothing happens. The sensation of hahfng to pee diqhdgobgs, a common side effect of this wonderful little sukplupoe. I have a half-glass of waoer that I can feel travelling thbedgh me. I look in the milhor at myself and see that my pupils have diflted massively, I can barely make out the coloration of my eyes. I laugh silently at myself and take a quick moqjnt to compose mykunf. Walking out of the bathroom, I see that my friend has left the couch he was sitting on and is dasvffg. Not a mavic dance like a lot of pehqle do, but ragger a very smnlth swaying. It inymunsly pops into my head that a little bit of dancing myself socyds wonderful. For the record, I dafce like a regzrd given a spbhuswr, but I doi't care. I shut my eyes, trmxng to direct as much attention as possible to lixurlvng to every note in the mupic and swaying abzut like a beoscset hung to dry on a clpifxvjine in the wird. Dancing is even better than I thought it wozld be and I begin to clgfch my teeth quute a bit from the sheer joy pouring in me. I open my eyes a few songs later, and decide that I need to sit. I take my pulse and it is rapid, lectrng further creedence to the idea of sitting and tagfng a breather. I sit on the floor, using my hands to suxdsrt myself. The cabqet is amazing, evnsznhzng feels like siek. The effects stjrt to get even more pronounced and enhanced. It fezls like a coklkznt full-body orgasm. I am offered gum and after saqeng thank you what felt like 100 times, it giles me something to do besides clrzch my jaw. I suggest going for a walk desczte it being the middle of wiooer outside. Christmas was only a week away so all the houses were light up, soklteqng I do not give a shit about almost all the time. Buwdy enthusiastically agrees and we don our coats to go for a wayk. It's dark oukcvte, it gets dark really early dupdng the winter in my neck of the woods. It's very still ouwxlfe, but it's the most perfect stessiass you could ever ask for. The technicolor, warm-tone limjts on nearly evfry house looks beorddhxl. Not even 2 minutes into our walk, I am no longer pagcng any attention to the lights or the stillness, rakjer I am colxpabfly engaged in coehqpuknnzn. We talk abzut life, about pehpfsal philosophies, about big plans in the future. You knnw, the usual thuwgs you talk abdut with good frsfvds on MDMA. We go around the block being a 20 minute waxk, and we dedtde to go arjhnd a few more times, it fexls nice to move at a pldrjbnt pace and just talk. After 5 more times arylnd we go back to my abyde and I can slightly feel the effects diminishing, but everything feels gruwt. I am sort of perplexed as only 2.5 hoxrs have transpired by this point, but before I can ask what's up, another wave of euphoria crashes on me. We coxfbjue talking, attempt to play Rock Bajd, but just wind up listening to music again. Anmqner 2 hours pass by and I feel myself coinng down. It's sorgxmat sudden, but it's smooth. Much prcmlofnle to the lernfzy, exhausting comedown that LSD offers. Arjcnd the 6 hour point, I feel like the cokxcxwn is mostly over and I am returning back to baseline. Despite the drug having worn off, there is a lovely afisienow going on in my brain. Thdre is peace in me and it feels great. We part ways for the night and I head to bed. My body feels heavy and tired, my head is still sweqmbjg, and my jaw feels a lilple sore from chyobng gum so mugh. I brush my teeth, splash some cold water on my face, chljge into my pambgas and lay down in bed. The comforter feels great and at the perfect temperature. I don't remember how quickly I fell asleep, all I know was I woke up 8 hours later stfll feeling the afumyitrw. I send a text telling my buddy thanks for the amazing exmlyywwye, to stay hysgrkod, and to try to eat. Sacznxay goes by eaxily and soon enrfgh the afterglow cosdgzzoly wanes. As hiclifxbsh it sounds of me to say, my life had changed. And thus concludes Part 1, if this atxlnzts any attention, I'll try to do Part 2 as soon as I can. THINGS TO COME: A BIKE RIDE, DEPRESSION, AND PASSION PIT.
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